Our training programs include:

Contact us for other programs specifically tailored to your needs!

Hazard Recognition

Basics of hazard recognition. This training targets managers and employees responsible for hazard identification and control, especially those involved in risk assessment.


  • hazard recognition, case studies from the company’s actual operations
  • elimination of hazards
  • corrective and preventive actions
  • monitoring of workplace safety, control and measuring of performance
  • shop floor exercise

Duration: 3-4 hours

Critical Principles of EHS Management

Short training for managers, especially those responsible for the introduction and operation of safety management systems, and for maintaining a safe working environment. The session helps participants to understand the importance of workplace safety, and refreshes their knowledge in basics of safety methods and philosophy.

Many of our clients have found a slightly modified version of this course useful for developing an awareness of safety issues in their non-production staff (e.g., HR, finance, sales, quality control, etc.).


  • philosophy of safety management, accidents and accident prevention
  • persuasion of employees, tools of effective communication
  • identification of hazards and methods of hazard prevention
  • assessment and evaluation of risks, use of a risk assessment

Duration: 2 hours


How can we map ergonomic risks at workstations? How should we install/improve workstations in order to minimize musculo-skeletal risks? What are the risks associated with repetitive work, or work in non-ideal conditions?

Training for managers and employees responsible for applying principles of ergonomics, making ergonomic assessments, and working on elimination or reduction of ergonomic risks.


  • ergonomic risks, hazard identification, case studies from the company’s actual operations
  • illnesses caused by poor ergonomic conditions
  • ergonomic risk assessment methods
  • methods and tools of risk reduction
  • shop floor exercise

Duration: 8 hours

Accident Investigation

This training is geared for managers and employees directly responsible for the health and safety of their employees, especially those in production. Their responsibility covers the investigation of accidents, near misses, identification of root causes, and implementation of preventative measures identified through investigation..


  • severity of accidents, causes
  • methods and tools of accident investigation, root cause analysis
  • corrective and preventive actions
  • closure of corrective and preventive actions, follow up
  • preparation of accident statistics, performance monitoring
  • methods for accident and near-miss data collection and reporting

Duration: 4 hours

Safety Culture Improvement

At those organizations where strong safety performance has been achieved, a need usually arises to further develop employees’ safety awareness. Managers at these sites recognize that, until everyone in the organization is highly conscious about the hazards that their actions create, there is no chance of achieving the ultimate goal of zero accidents.

A Site Manager might ask: Does everyone recognize and properly handle unsafe conditions and unsafe acts? Do employees really care about each other? Do they intervene if others make mistakes? Are safe behaviors recognized?

These training sessions (mainly conducted as part of wider safety culture improvement programs) are prepared on an entirely individual basis considering the types of activities at the site, current safety awareness levels, operating systems, and management’s goals. Often such trainings are driven in part by a Corporate expectation, and we always make sure to align the courses with Corporate standards and programs.

Sample topics may include:

  • accident and human error theory
  • hazard recognition, unsafe acts vs. unsafe behaviors
  • the importance of risk assessments, risk assessment methodologies
  • accident and incident investigation, root cause analysis
  • interpersonal communication techniques, safety intervention techniques
  • change management, motivation
  • observation and feedback techniques
  • near-miss and incident reporting and data analysis

Duration: ½ day to 2 days

Safety Risk Assessment – FMEA

Training for safety experts and managers / employees responsible for the preparation or promotion of safety risk assessments. The methodology is in line with all Hungarian legal requirements and recommendations, and ensures the full assessment of workplace safety risks.


  • basics of safety hazard recognition
  • types of hazards
  • failure modes and failure effects
  • basics and working mechanism of the FMEA method
  • severity rating of potential injuries and illnesses
  • definition of frequency and detectability, rating
  • risk evaluation, setting RPN numbers
  • closing of findings and control

Duration: 6 hours